Bone graft

The bone graft

Bone grafting is the replacement or augmentation of bone mass around one or more missing teeth. Sometimes this procedure is necessary before certain treatments, such as the placement of dental implants, which require sufficient bone support.

If you want to have a dental implant placed to replace any missing teeth, make an appointment today to see if a bone graft is needed.

Bone loss

Bone loss in the jaw bone usually occurs as a result of the loss of one or more teeth due to injury, decay, infection and/or trauma. Without the tooth to stimulate the jaw bone, the bone around the missing tooth begins to quickly deteriorate. Over time, this may also limit your dentist's ability to restore your dentition using methods such as dental implants or implant supported prostheses because of the inadequate bone support they require. In such cases, your dentist may recommend a bone graft procedure.

We perform bone augmentation and grafting procedures to replace this bone loss. Thanks to these interventions, it is also possible to restore the natural contours of the face to places where there was lack of the bone in the front of the mouth.

The different types of bone graft

There are three types of bone graft: autograft, allograft and xenograft.


Bone is removed from another part of the patient's body and transplanted to the location that is to be restored in the mouth. Bone usually comes from non-essential bones, such as those of the chin. Using an autogenous bone graft, the risks of rejection and infection are low. The bone is also "alive", that is, it possesses active cellular material


Human bone is also transplanted to the location to be restored in the mouth. However, the allograft does not use a patient's bone, but rather bone from bone banks


A bone is also replaced in the area requiring treatment, but it comes from an animal source, usually bovine.

A bone graft procedure

  • The bone removed will be fixed in place on the bone of your jaw using small titanium screws.
  • After the procedure, you will probably be prescribed antibiotics and analgesics.
  • You will also be advised to follow a diet consisting of soft foods, such as pasta, mashed potatoes and applesauce.
  • It often takes six to nine months after bone grafting before your dentist can install your dental implant.
  • The placement of your dental implant will be performed only after the complete healing of your mouth.

