Root canal

A Root Canal

A root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp of a tooth is infected or inflamed. This procedure preserves the natural tooth and prevents the spread of infection by removing the root of the tooth.

Make an appointment now and preserve the health of your teeth with a root canal treatment!

Symptoms of a root injury

Symptoms vary from one patient to another. Affected teeth may be sensitive to heat, cold or pressure during occlusion or chewing, the affected area may be swollen or painful or you may have a bad taste in your mouth ... Sometimes there are simply no symptoms!

The causes of pain

The two most common causes of infection are tooth decay and fractured or broken teeth. The pulp is then exposed to the bacteria present in the saliva. These bacteria can cause an infection likely to destroy the pulp of your teeth.

Without a root canal treatment performed by a dentist, the pus in the infected tooth can spread to the root tip and reach the jaw. This can result in an abscess - or a pocket of pus - that can damage the bone around the tooth. The pressure exerted by this abscess can cause unbearable pain if the problem is not treated. An infected or decayed tooth cannot be cured alone and the situation can only get worse if no proper treatment is done.

The intervention

The need for root canal treatment is therefore necessary when deep tooth decay or deterioration infects the pulp of a tooth. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia by a dentist and we try to make it more comfortable.
Before starting the procedure, the dentist completely anesthesia the affected area before putting up a rubber dam around the infected tooth to protect the mouth and throat.

In order to access the infected dental pulp, the dentist practices an opening on the top of the tooth and inserts a tiny instrument called a dental file to clean the infected tissue and prepare the channels to receive the filling material. X-rays are taken to ensure that all the infected pulp has been removed before filling and to confirm that the material has reached the ends of the channels of each root.

Once the infected pulp is removed, the restoration can begin. In most cases, this is the installation of a crown to protect and strengthen the tooth. However, if the tooth is very broken, it may be necessary to perform a corono-radicular reconstruction.


