Gum recession

Gum recession

Since gum recession gradually appears, many patients do not realize until sensitivity or more serious problems occur. Gum recession can cause oral problems and should not be ignored. It can have many harmful effects, such as sensitivity or dental pain, deterioration of the root surface, tooth mobility and even the loss of teeth. 

Do not live with discomfort or dental sensitivity related to gum recession!
Make an appointment today!

The causes of gum recession:

There are a number of treatment options for gum recession, but prevention remains the best weapon in fighting this pernicious and painful condition. If you understand the causes of gum recession, you will have the tools in stopping it.

Gum recession is often the result of a combination of factors. Among them are the following:

Genetic predispositions:

About 30% of the population is predisposed to a gum disease that can lead to a gingival recession.

Orthodontic problems:

A mispositioning of teeth or the jaw can prevent the gums from covering the necessary surface of the teeth. Dre Charouk can help you choose the best option to correct your occlusion and straighten your teeth.

The neglect of dental hygiene:

Adequate toothbrush use and flossing as well as regular professional dental cleanings will help prevent dental plaque and tartar.

Aggressive teeth brushing:

Inadequate or aggressive teeth brushing can lead to early wear of the gums and cause their separation from the surface of the teeth. Dre Charouk or your hygienist can review with you the proper brushing techniques as well as other preventive measures.

Hormonal changes: 

Hormonal variations associated with pregnancy or menopause often have an effect on gingival tissue. 


Repeated clenching or teeth grinding may cause unnecessary pressure on some parts of the mouth and cause a gingival recession. If you clench or grind your teeth a night, the use of a mouth guard can prevent this recession. There are many kind of mouth guards, some are made to measure, others are sold in pharmacies. Dre Charouk will suggest to you the best options in avoiding a progression of gingival recession. 


Tobacco products affect the general health of the mouth. One of the important effects of tobacco on the mouth , by no means the worst , is to stimulate the formation of plaque which can cause a gingival recession. 


Body jewellery that is in frequent contact with the gums cause gum irritations which can cause a recession of the gums. 


Periodontitis is a bacterial infection. In addition to affecting the general health of the mouth, it can also destroy gingival tissues and teeth bone.

Preventing the gum recession:

Most of the time, it is possible to modify certain habits to reduce the risk of gum recession. Here are some tips on this subject:

  • use a good brushing technique;
  • use an electric toothbrush or soft bristle brush;
  • avoid tightening and / or teeth clenching;
  • visit a dentist regularly for professional dental cleaning;
  • give up unhealthy habits, which irritate the gums (smoking, piercing);
  • consult a dentist about dental malposition to determine if treatment is feasible;
  • wear a night guard.

Gum recession is often the symptom of a larger underlying dental problem that can not only be avoided but also treated. Here are the main reasons why it is treated;

  • reducing the risk of moving teeth;
  • reducing the risk of deterioration of the surface of the tooth’s root
  • reduction of pain and discomfort associated with gum tissue inflammation;
  • reduction of dental sensitivity;
  • the return of the appearance of a healthy smile;
  • reducing the risk of gum disease and other dental health problems

Treatment of the gum recession:

Although there exist prevention measures, once the recession begins, the gums do not regenerate naturally. Depending on the extent of the recession, Dr. Charouk may recommend one of the following corrective measures or surgical treatments:

Gum graft

A Gum graft is a surgical procedure in which a piece of tissue from the palate or gum near the root of a tooth is removed and placed at the part affected by the recession. Over time, the newly added gingival tissue will develop with the gum. People who have had this procedure may return to work after one or two days, but full recovery will take a few weeks.

Periodontal maintenance

Bone surgery treats severe cases of periodontal disease, often at the origin of gum recession. This procedure exposes the surface of the root of the tooth and the bone in which it is located. Both are then carefully cleaned and smoothed to allow the gums to be reattached with a little or no pockets between the gum and tooth. This intervention may be necessary before treating the gum recession

The Pinhole surgical technique (PST)

Pinhole surgical technique is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment that simply removes the gum from the tooth to reposition the existing gingival tissue to better cover the root structure. It requires local anesthesia, followed by a micro-puncture (small hole) in the gum, near the tooth (s) affected by the recession. Thanks to the insertion of collagen bands to promote healing, you can probably resume your daily activities after the procedure, which lasts less than an hour! Finally, not only does this method allow the treatment of several teeth in one visit, but its aesthetic benefits and its generally rapid recovery make IT the technique for the treatment of gum recession.

If you have inquired about gum recession treatment options, you may have heard of the traditional gum graft, which requires the removal of a piece of soft tissue from the palate and its transplant to the affected area. This traditional intervention is effective, but the associated discomfort and healing time make it a less attractive option for treating gum recession.

We have good news for people suffering from a gum recession: Dr. Joumana Charouk is a pioneer of Pinhole Surgical Technique (PSTMD) in Quebec!

Pinhole Surgical Technique ®

  • minimally invasive;
  • invented by American dentist Dr. John Chao;
  • corrects gum recession;
  • allows the treatment of several teeth during the same visit;
  • promotes a rapid recovery and healing;
  • allows rapid aesthetic results.

If you think you are suffering from gum recession, you should consult a dentist to determine if you need treatment. Contact Dr. Charouk, D.M.D., general dentist, and make an appointment!


